I almost wanted to say "OMG ITS 08/08/08/TODAY!!!". Until I realised its year 2009. -__-
(I haven't uploaded those from my phone and I don't have time to upload the rest D:)
Its been 8 days since the arrival of this month, but I dare say its been a great start. There was the WILLrun and the thanksgiving concert; I'm sure there'll be more to come. Jeslin Eng Jia lin, I love you alot too and I mean it! School's been way much better with you around (sprinting to the canteen after geog lectures, doing work at the benches, blahblahblah :D). I still owe you a treat you greedy pig and bottomless pit HAHA. Oh and there's SuAnn, who's actually my ex-TLL mate! Cool isn't it! :D
Really, the thanksgiving concert was fantastic! Our teachers are so cool and creative and great and IT-savvy! Plus caring. Sometimes I really feel sorry for Mdm teo cause she's got so much patience to teach me but I never ever put in the effort for econs at all. I'm trying to now, I AM starting. Ms Kwa's also been so nice, Ms Teo's forever great haha :D
I shall not list all the performances they did, but I loved the PW department's one, the Mario/Sonic one by the humanities department (huray) was oh-so-cute. Maths department had cool LED shirts, GP department (Hehehehe!) sang and danced to oldies & did I mention our principal is so sporting and all? :D
To the 6 other girls, I'll look forward to seeing you guys 1.5 hours later! (I MISS YOU TOO, ANNIA AND ALICIA! since you guys won't be able to come :C)
and while life's getting a little better, I think its time for me to do some reflection and get started on work. After slacking away for SO long, its really time to buck up before I start regretting about getting retained. I thought I'd change after the O's, but apparently not. So, Go EMMA :D
Maybe I should also be less weird and watch the way I speak to others. Yes.
(I'll still be back with the photos!)
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